VHI COVID-19 Waiver

As part of VHI’s COVID-19 update, VHI customers (i.e. policy holders) were advised in April that a percentage of premiums for a three-month period, effective from 15 May 2020, would be waived.  VHI further advised that their customers were not required to take any action on this matter, as Group Schemes, including the Army Scheme would reflect these changes.

In recent weeks, however, VHI has notified some of its customers that a number of Group Schemes have been unable to implement this waiver for technical reasons.

Having sought clarification from DOD’s Finance Branch on 01 July, ARCOIreland now advises those members who are VHI customers, and are availing of the Army Scheme, that the VHI COVID-19 waiver will not be reflected in their pensions.

Following consultations, VHI advised ARCOIreland on 01 July that the COVID-19 waiver will be paid to VHI Group Scheme customers in the latter half of August. VHI will inform its customers in due course. It is likely that VHI customers will be provided with the option of payment either by cheque, or by credit transfer.

Accordingly, there is no apparent need for ARCOIreland members to contact DOD’s Finance Branch on this issue, but members may of course contact VHI if they so desire.


01 July 2020

UPDATE – 8 July 2020:  A letter is being sent to members of the Army Scheme by VHI in relation to the Waiver. ARCOIreland members should note that a cheque, to the amount of the Waiver, will be forwarded to their address at the end of August. If you would prefer the Waiver to be lodged to your bank account, you need to contact VHI at 1890 44 44 44 with your Policy Number (this will be on the letter) and your Bank Account details.

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